Program Information

  • Program Level: Associate in Science (A.S.)
  • Area of Interest: Art, Design, Humanities
  • Location: SCF Bradenton, SCF Lakewood Ranch, SCF Venice

Learn more about SCF's Art, Design, and Humanities department

Let your creativity soar. Workforce degree programs in Graphic Design, Photographic Technology and Filmmaking are available. Students can take coursework within Humanities as part of the A.A. curriculum.

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Home Graphic Design Technology [2033]

Graphic Design Technology [2033]

Graphic Design Technology [2033]


Associate in Science Degree

(60 Credit Hours)

Program Manager

Charles Darwin

Program Goal

The graphic design technology program offers a curriculum based on a combination of basic design principles and the latest technology. Instruction is distributed between both print and Web design and their respective industry applications. Focus is placed on preparing the student for immediate employment in the field of graphic design.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and collaboration skills and safe, efficient work practices
  • Create raster-based and vector-based drawings and visual solutions
  •  Formulate concepts / theories demonstrating use of color and typography
  •  Apply marketing / advertising principles for effective visual communication
  •  Demonstrate knowledge of current standards, practices and techniques for   production of electronic content
  •  Demonstrate appropriate usage of electronic media for self-promotion

Related Certificates


General Education Courses

Subtotal Credit Hours: 15

Program Specialization Courses

Please consult the course description section of the Catalog for any prerequisites.

Subtotal Credit Hours: 45

Total Credit Hours: 60


Articulated credit from a technical college/secondary school may be applicable. For more information click here:

Degree Pathway

Required Courses and recommended Sequence: The following is a recommended sequence of courses for completing this program. Developmental courses and prerequisite course requirements, credit load, and/or course availability may affect a student's individual progress. Course availability within the program sequences is specifically intended for full-time students who begin their course work with the fall semester. Students should always consult their online degree planner for the catalog year that they entered the college, and contact their program manager to better understand typical course availability and individual program planning.

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Program Information

  • Program Level: Associate in Science (A.S.)
  • Area of Interest: Art, Design, Humanities
  • Location: SCF Bradenton, SCF Lakewood Ranch, SCF Venice