Home Administration President’s Cabinet

President’s Cabinet

Directed by the President, the President’s Cabinet plays an integral role in assisting the President with achieving SCF’s vision, providing leadership to all stakeholders, and ensuring the institution’s success and sustainability. 

Directed by the President, the President's Cabinet plays an integral role in assisting the President with achieving SCF's vision, providing leadership to all stakeholders, and ensuring the institution's success and sustainability. 

Dr. Todd G. Fritch
Executive Vice President and Provost

Dr. Ryan C. Hale Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Ryan C. Hale
Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness

Cassandra P. Holmes
Vice President of Advancement, Executive Director

Cassandra P. Holmes
Vice President, Advancement and Executive Director
SCF Foundation

Directed by the President, the President's Cabinet plays an integral role in assisting the President with achieving SCF's vision, providing leadership to all stakeholders, and ensuring the institution's success and sustainability. 

Julie Martin Jakway
Senior Vice President

Dr. Brittany K. Nielsen, Vice President, Student Services and Enrollment Management

Dr. Brittany K. Nielsen
Vice President, Student Services and Enrollment Management

Steven W. Prouty, SCF 
General Counsel

Steven W. Prouty
Vice President and General Counsel

Patricia Rand Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

Dr. Patricia Rand
Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

Jamie Smith Associate Vice President of Communications and Government Relations, the President's Cabinet

Jamie M. Smith
Associate Vice President, Communications and Government Relations

Directed by the President, the President's Cabinet plays an integral role in assisting the President with achieving SCF's vision, providing leadership to all stakeholders, and ensuring the institution's success and sustainability. 

Chris Wellman
Interim Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services

Susan Marrocco Coordinator, Office of the President and Trustee Relations

For questions or assistance with the President’s office, contact:

Susan Marrocco
Coordinator, Office of the President and Trustee Relations