
Rule # 6HX14-
1.03 | Board of Trustees – Corporate Body | |
1.031 | College Mission Statement | |
1.04 | Meetings of the District Board of Trustees | |
1.042 | Appearances Before the Board | |
1.043 | Public Comment at Board Meetings | |
1.05 | Development of Rules, Procedures and Standard Operating Instructions | |
1.06 | Ethics for Public Officers/Conflicts of Interest/Removal from Office | |
1.07 | Responsibility and Authority of the President | |
1.08 | Accreditation | |
1.09 | Advertising (Off-Campus) | |
1.10 | Advertising (On-Campus) from Off-Campus Enterprises | |
1.11 | Agents, Solicitors, Salesmen | |
1.12 | College Calendar | |
1.14 | Complaint/Conflict Resolution | |
1.15 | Emergency Shelters | |
1.16 | Emergency Procedures | |
1.17 | Direct-Support Organizations: Accountability Standards | |
1.171 | Private Contributions/Transfer of Gifts | |
1.18 | Fund Drives and Ticket Sales | |
1.181 | Grant Application | |
1.19 | Guidelines for College Publications | |
1.191 | Deletion of Courses from Catalogs and Common Course Designation and Numbering System | |
1.23 | Political Activity – Seeking Public Office | |
1.24 | Reproduction and Destruction of College Records | |
1.25 | Tobacco Free Campus | |
1.26 | Space Reservations for Use of College Facilities | |
1.28 | Theft of Personal Property | |
1.29 | Travel Authorization and Funding | |
1.31 | Trespass | |
1.32 | Drug Free Campus | |
1.33 | Violence or Threats in the Workplace | |
1.42 | Accessibility for Disabled Individuals | |
1.43 | Facilities Naming | |
1.44 | Institutional Review Board | |
1.45 | Substantive Change Policy | |
1.47 | Public Records and Public Records Requests | |
1.48 | Vulnerable Persons Act – Reporting Requirements | |
1.49 | Board – Requested Information | |
1.50 | Internal Auditor Selection Committee | |
1.51 | General Counsel | |
2.01 | Absence from Teaching Assignment | |
2.02 | Absences – Career Employees | |
2.03 | Absence – Administrators and Other Professionals | |
2.04 | Absences – President to Keep Record | |
2.055 | Communicable and/or Life Threatening Diseases | |
2.06 | Appointment of Personnel | |
2.07 | Attendance Records of Career Employees | |
2.09 | Certification of A.A., A.S., B.S., and B.A.S. Instructional Personnel | |
2.10 | Charges for Sick, Personal and Vacation Leave During Holidays and Emergency Closing | |
2.12 | Committee Assignments | |
2.13 | Consultants’ Services and Honorariums – Payment | |
2.14 | Employment Contracts, Generally | |
2.141 | Employment Contracts for Full-Time Faculty | |
2.15 | Contracts: Continuing Contract Status and Annual Appointments | |
2.17 | Contracts: Summer Semesters | |
2.19 | Employee Benefits | |
2.20 | Employee Benefits – Other | |
2.21 | Evaluation of College Personnel | |
2.22 | Extra Curricular Responsibilities | |
2.23 | Faculty Meetings | |
2.26 | Holidays and Other Paid Non-Duty Days | |
2.27 | Insurance for Full-time Employees | |
2.28 | Job Descriptions | |
2.30 | Leave of Absence | |
2.31 | Memberships in Professional Organizations | |
2.33 | Normal Work Week / Work Day | |
2.34 | Part-time Temporary Instructors (Adjuncts) | |
2.35 | Payroll | |
2.36 | Requirements of Personnel Records for All Employees | |
2.38 | Instructional Classification | |
2.40 | Retirement | |
2.41 | Retirement Enhancement Plan | |
2.42 | Salaries | |
2.43 | Scholarships for College Employees, Dependents, and Retirees | |
2.44 | Harassment and Discrimination and Related Misconduct (Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity and Retaliation) | |
2.45 | Sick Leave for All Employees | |
2.46 | Sick Leave – Faculty | |
2.47 | Temporary and Substitute Personnel | |
2.48 | Termination of Tenured and Non-Tenured Personnel | |
2.49 | Vacation Leave | |
2.50 | Worker’s Compensation | |
2.51 | Sick Leave Pool | |
2.52 | Use of Volunteer Services | |
2.53 | Disciplinary Action – Employees | |
2.55 | Code of Ethical Behavior | |
2.56 | Compensation and Salary Schedules | |
2.57 | Background Checks and Fingerprinting for Employment | |
2.60 | Information Technology Resources Policies | |
3.01 | Academic Freedom | |
3.015 | Development and Review of Academic Programs and Courses | |
3.02 | Communication and Computational Requirements | |
3.04 | Curriculum Modifications | |
3.05 | International Educational Programs Abroad | |
3.06 | Career and Technical Education Program | |
3.07 | Definition of Credit Hour | |
4.01 | Admission, Classification, Promotion and Graduation of Students | |
4.013 | Student Notification of Alternative College Preparatory Courses | |
4.015 | Reasonable Substitutions/Modifications for Individuals with Disabilities | |
4.0155 | Fees for Repeated Enrollment in College-Credit Courses | |
4.02 | Classification of Students for Fee Assessment | |
4.025 | Exceptions to the Assessment of the Full Cost of Instruction for Repeating College Credit Courses | |
4.03 | Eligibility for Intercollegiate Activities | |
4.04 | Entrance Examinations and Placement of Students | |
4.045 | Award of Credit | |
4.06 | Student Financial Aid | |
4.07 | Academic Progress, Course Attendance/Grades, Withdrawals | |
4.08 | Privacy Rights of Students | |
4.10 | Standards of Student Behavior | |
4.12 | Student Traffic and Parking | |
4.13 | Student Driver’s License Law | |
4.14 | Student Complaint/Conflict Resolution | |
4.15 | Student Publications | |
4.16 | Prohibition of Hazing | |
5.01 | Auxiliary Enterprises | |
5.02 | Student Fees | |
5.03 | Bonds for Trustees and Employees | |
5.09 | Depository Receipt, Withdrawal, and Electronic Transfer of Public Funds | |
5.10 | Funds Derived from Auxiliary Enterprises and Undesignated Gifts | |
5.11 | Student Debts | |
5.111 | Authorization to Defer Student Fees for Third Party Organizations | |
5.12 | Refund of Fees | |
5.13 | Insurance on College Property and on College Operations | |
5.14 | Investment of Surplus Funds | |
5.16 | Petty Cash Fund | |
5.17 | Student Activity Budget | |
5.18 | Procurement | |
5.181 | Conflict of Interest, Outside Employment | |
5.182 | Intellectual Property | |
5.20 | Personal Property Accountability | |
5.21 | Security of Campus | |
6.01 | Physical Plant Operations, Maintenance & Sanitation | |
6.13 | Building Program | |
6.14 | Change Orders to Construction Contracts | |
6.15 | Fire Alarm System Response and Control | |
6.16 | Construction Projects | |
6.17 | Prequalification of Contractors for Educational Facilities Construction | |
6.18 | Selection of Professional Services |