Student Code of Conduct

All faculty, staff, students, and student organizations of State College of Florida, Manatee – Sarasota (the “College Community”) have an obligation to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and high regard for the welfare and property of the College Community.
It is expected that all members of the College Community will share respect for the law and adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards of conduct. In the event that these high standards are not observed, the College will take action to enforce and protect its interests. Student conduct on campus, at off-campus sponsored activities and facilities, or electronically is expected to be supportive of these interests.
Attendance at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (“SCF”) is a privilege, and as such each student and student organization, by application, registration, and/or enrollment, assumes the responsibility to become familiar with and to abide by College regulations and acceptable standards of conduct. Reports of alleged violations can be submitted online, via email, in-person, or by mail. Students and student organizations who fail to observe College regulations or to maintain acceptable standards of conduct on the campus, at College sponsored functions or facilities or via electronic media are subject to disciplinary action. SCF reserves the right to discipline a student for activities which take place off campus when those activities are determined by the College to adversely affect the College Community. Disciplinary action by the College may proceed while criminal proceedings are pending and will not be subject to challenge solely on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.
This Student Code of Conduct sets forth the specific authority and responsibility of the College in maintaining student discipline. It identifies the codes of conduct and appropriate penalties for violations of rules, laws, and regulations by students and student organizations. It outlines the associated student conduct process to be administered by the College and protects the due process rights of students and student organizations throughout the student conduct process.
I. General Expectations of Student Behavior
SCF is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning and has a concern for the development of responsible personal and social conduct. The College’s mission includes maintaining high standards to foster a climate of excellence; providing opportunity and access for all; and creating a supportive, safe, personalized environment for maximum student achievement.
By applying to and registering for classes at SCF, students assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution and obey the laws enacted by federal, state, and local governments.
All students are required to obtain and carry a College identification card (ID) at all times, and to present it upon request to any public safety officer or faculty/staff member. Other identification must be shown if such a request is made, and the person questioned does not have an ID card in his or her possession. ID cards are to be surrendered upon dismissal for any reason. Loss of an ID card is to be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety.
Furthermore, students assume the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. Failure to abide by the code of conduct may lead to disciplinary warning, probation, restitution, suspension, dismissal, or other appropriate and authorized penalty.
SCF expects its students to be mature and responsible citizens at all times and in all places. Whether on or off campus at any time, if the student’s conduct is in violation of local, state or federal law; is a public nuisance or deemed improper and/or detrimental to the College; that student may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students are expected to respect the rights and welfare of other members of the College Community and its guests. The College recognizes that a thoughtful and reasoned search for the truth can be conducted only in an atmosphere that is free of intimidation and coercion. As such, violence, the threat of violence, disruption to the learning process and intimidation are unacceptable to the College Community.
In summary, students are expected to assume full responsibility for their behavior and will be held responsible for their individual and/or collective actions.
II. Academic Misconduct
SCF expects all members of the College Community to conduct themselves in a manner recognizing the traditions of honor and integrity. They are expected to assist the College by reporting suspected violations of academic integrity to appropriate faculty and/or administrative staff.
These guidelines define a context of values for individual and institutional decisions concerning academic integrity. It is every student’s responsibility to become familiar with the standards of academic ethics at the College. Claims of ignorance, unintentional error, or academic or personal pressures are not sufficient excuses for violations.
The following is a partial list of the types of behaviors that breach the College academic ethics guidelines and are therefore unacceptable:
• Plagiarism
• Cheating on examinations
• Copyright violations
• Forgery, sabotage, unauthorized collaboration, or falsification of information
Attempts to commit such acts fall under the term “academic dishonesty” and are subject to penalty.
Falsification, misrepresentation of another’s work as one’s own (such as cheating on examinations, reports, or quizzes), plagiarism from the work of others, or the presentation of substantially similar work for different courses (unless authorized to do so), is academic dishonesty and is a serious offense. Knowingly helping others cheat or plagiarize is also considered academic dishonesty.
No set of guidelines can define all possible types or degrees of academic dishonesty; thus, the aforementioned behaviors should be understood as examples of infractions rather than an exhaustive list. Individual faculty members and the academic deans will continue to judge each case according to its particular circumstances.
Conduct Process for Cases Involving Charges of Academic Misconduct
A. The instructor shall notify the student of the potential misconduct and provide the opportunity for the student to respond. If the misconduct is confirmed, the instructor will consult with the department chair prior to recommending an appropriate sanction.
B. The instructor shall access and complete the online Academic Integrity Report to be submitted and assigned to the appropriate Assistant Dean.
C. The Assistant Dean will review, conduct any further investigation necessary, and assign a sanction for the Code violation.
Degrees of Disciplinary Sanctions for Academic Misconduct
This listing serves as an example of possible sanctions; not a definitive, comprehensive list of possible sanctions:
1. An oral reprimand;
2. Complete required course on plagiarism;
3. A written reprimand presented only to the student;
4. An assignment to repeat the work, to be graded on its merits;
5. A lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test;
6. A lower grade in the course;
7. A failing grade in the course;
8. Removal of the student from the course in progress;
9. A written reprimand to be included in the student’s disciplinary file;
10. Disciplinary probation; or
11. Suspension or dismissal from the college.
One or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed may be imposed for an incident of academic misconduct.
III. Standards of Classroom Behavior
A. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment, whether in-person or online, rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any unlawful acts or inappropriate behaviors which result in disruption of a class, may be directed by the faculty member or Public Safety to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. If a disruptive student refuses to leave when the faculty member tells them to do so, the faculty member should contact Public Safety. This provision regarding classroom behavior is not to be used to punish students with differing academic interpretations of course content or viewpoint, but to address behavior that is disruptive within the educational environment, including impact to other students.
IV. Standards of Behavior for Students and Student Organizations
To ensure a respected relationship with the community as well as for the protection of all students and student organizations, certain campus regulations and acceptable standards of personal conduct have been established. Students applying, registering, and enrolling in any of the College’s courses or programs are bound by all Campus regulations, which are essential to the effective, and orderly educational process. These Campus regulations are also applicable to student clubs and organizations.
Behavior that is subject to disciplinary action under the Code includes alleged violations of federal, state, or local law that threaten the safety or well-being of the College Community, any act that constitutes violent behavior, and any other behavior that adversely affects the College or its educational programs or mission. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by the Code may also be addressed through the conduct process. Any member of the College Community, students, faculty, and staff may report non-academic misconduct.
A. Examples of Prohibited Conduct
Examples of student behavior that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Any activity on the part of any individual or group that causes disruption or interference with the operation of the College. Disruption or interference with the regular operation of the College includes but is not limited to: classroom disruption; the occupation of any building or campus area for the purpose of disruption or interference; prevention or attempt to prevent the entrance or exit of student, faculty, administrators, or public safety officers in situations relating to the regular operation of the College; or interference with scheduled interviews for employment, college transfer or military careers.
2. Physical, verbal, or written abuse, bullying, threats, intimidation, coercion, or any other conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety, or rights of any person.
3. Any type of sexual misconduct on any SCF campus or at any officially sponsored off-campus event.
4. All forms of discrimination and harassment prohibited under College Procedure 2.44.01 Prohibited Harassment and Nondiscrimination (Non-Sexual Misconduct/Harassment).
5. Hazing, which, in accordance with Florida law, includes any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purpose including, but limited to, initiation or admission into, affiliation with or perpetuation or furtherance of a tradition or ritual of any group or organization operating under the sanction of the College. “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing the student into violation state or federal law; any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the student. It also includes any activity that would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contract, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the student. “Hazing” also includes the solicitation of others to commit hazing and active involvement in the planning of any act of hazing. The express or implied consent of the victim is not a defense. It is also not a defense to hazing that the conduct or activity prohibited under this sanction was not a part of an official student organization event, not otherwise sanctioned or approved by a student organization, or not done as a condition of membership to the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule.
This prohibition of hazing applies to students and to College organizations and clubs, including acting through other persons associated with a College organization or club who are not students.
Penalties for hazing shall be administered in accordance with College policies and procedures related to student disciplinary actions; subject, however, to any limitations or additional penalties contained in section 1006.63, Florida Statutes.
In the case of an organization/club that authorizes hazing in disregard of such rules, penalties also may include rescission of permission for that organization to operate on campus property under the sanction of the College.
Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions or any activity or conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective. Please refer to section 1006.63, Florida Statutes for more information.
6. Disorderly or unlawful behavior on the campus. Additionally, a student’s conviction of a misdemeanor or felony committed on or off campus may be subject to disciplinary action.
7. Defacing, damaging or maliciously destroying College, faculty, staff, or student property.
8. Violations of federal or state criminal statutes, respective county and city ordinances, and all College and SCF District Board of Trustees rules and procedures on College premises or at College-sponsored or supervised activities or off-campus when the conduct would impair, interfere with, or obstruct orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the College.
9. Use, possession, manufacture, sale, attempted sale, barter, exchange, gift, or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia on the campus, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, at any College-related or sponsored activity or at other locations as may be provided by law. No person who may appear to be under the influence of a narcotic or other controlled substance is allowed on the campus or permitted to participate in any College-related or sponsored activity.
Note: As a recipient of federal funding and to comply with Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act regulations (Education Department General Administrative Regulations-EDGAR Part 86), State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota is required to continue to prohibit the use, possession, and distribution of all federally controlled substances, including marijuana. Although state law may permit the use of medical marijuana, federal law prohibits marijuana use or possession. State law does not require State College of Florida, Manatee – Sarasota to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in the classroom, in the workplace, or by individuals attending class or working while under the influence of marijuana. The manufacture, selling, dispensation, possession, use, distribution, or being under the influence of marijuana for medical purposes is not allowed on any College property, at any College-sponsored event, or as part of any College activities for any purpose by students.
10. Use, possession, or carrying of firearms (including, but not limited to, pistols, rifles, shotguns, or ammunition), incendiary devices, smoke devices, dangerous knives, explosives, or other dangerous weapons while on College-owned or controlled property, or at college sponsored or supervised activities, except by police officers and other persons specifically authorized by the College, or as otherwise permitted by law. An exception to this policy is for law enforcement officers legally authorized to carry such weapons officially enrolled in classes or acting in the performance of their duties. As College regulations and their implementation are subject to applicable law, the College will comply with Florida law governing firearms that are securely encased or otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use in vehicles by individuals 18 years old and older.
11. Alcoholic beverages brought, possessed, or consumed on campus, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, at any College-related or sponsored activity or at other locations except as may be provided by law. No person who may appear to be intoxicated is allowed on the campus or permitted to participate in any College-related or sponsored activity. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age.
12. Tobacco use on any campus grounds, parking lots, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, or any SCF-sponsored off-campus events. The use of all types of tobacco and tobacco-like products is prohibited, including smoked and smokeless tobacco, other smokable products and electronic cigarettes.
13. Gambling as prohibited in Chapter 849, Florida Statutes.
14. Failure to comply with directions of College officials or respond to an administrative summons. This includes, but is not limited to, directives to cease all contact or interaction with another individual (i.e., “no contact order”).
15. Furnishing false information to any College official, faculty member, or office with the intent to deceive. This includes writing bad checks to the College, The SCF Store, or any College ancillary services. It also includes, but is not limited to, furnishing false information in academic petitions or appeals documents, financial aid documents, residency documentation, student employment documents, financial statements, medical documents, or any other false information provided to intentionally mislead College officials.
16. Students who are parents or who assume a parental role have the responsibility to arrange suitable care for their children while they attend class, labs, or study areas. Children may not be left unattended in any area of the campus. The College reserves the right to protect the safety and welfare of unattended children.
17. SCF maintains a no-pets policy at all of its locations and in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College. The President or designee can make exceptions to this rule from time to time for special circumstances and/or events.
· Service animals are not considered pets for purposes of this rule. SCF follows federal law and state statute regarding the use of service animals or emotional support animals:
i. The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) provides guidelines regarding use of “services animals.”
ii. Section 413.08, Florida Statutes, further defines “service animals” and the rights of individuals to their lawful use.
iii. Section 760.27 Florida Statutes prohibits discrimination in housing provided to a person with a disability or a disability-related need for an emotional support animal.
iv. It is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to provide false information or other fraudulent misrepresentation regarding the use of a service animal or an emotional support animal.
18. The unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio, video, or other recording of any person while on College premises without their prior knowledge, or without their effective consent when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and/or when consent is required by law. A student shall not record or take pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, or restroom without prior consent.
A student shall not make a recording in class unless the recording is limited to the class lecture, and the recording is made for the student’s personal educational use, in connection with a complaint to the College, or as evidence in or in preparation for a criminal or civil proceeding. Students are not permitted to record in class, through any means over any medium, any academic or other activity that is not a class lecture. Exceptions may be permitted as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, but only as authorized through the College’s Disabilities Resource Center. A recording of a class lecture may not be published without the consent of the recorded faulty member. A recording of any meeting or conversation between students or between students and faculty is strictly prohibited unless all parties have consented to such recording.
19. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of the College’s telephones, fax machines, copier machines, printers, public address systems, or any other office communication devices.
20. The use of mobile devices in the classroom is determined by the faculty member’s mobile device use guidelines for that particular class. Students should adhere to the expectations communicated by the syllabus. Failure to do so is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
21. Computer and Network Abuse (See Acceptable Use Procedure 2.60.05)
a. Theft or misuse of College computer and network resources;
b. Unauthorized entry into College computer systems;
c. Use of another person’s computing identification and/or password;
d. Use of College IT Resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or other SCF employee;
e. Use of College IT Resources to send obscene or harassing messages; or
f. Interference with the operations of SCF computer systems.
22. Participation in campus demonstration, riot or activity that materially and substantially disrupts the functioning of the College or infringes upon the rights of other members of the College Community to engage in expressive activities; leading or inciting others to materially disrupt previously scheduled and/or reserved activities occurring at the same time within any campus, building area; or intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus.
23. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic on College premises or at College sponsored or supervised events.
24. a. Unauthorized Use of a Restroom or Changing Facility. It is prohibited for any student to willfully enter a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex and refuse to depart when asked by any administrative personnel, faculty member, security personnel or law enforcement personnel, except as otherwise provided in section 553.865, Florida Statutes.
b. All students, administrative personnel, faculty members, security personnel, or law enforcement personnel have the right to file a complaint with the Attorney General alleging that the College has failed to meet the minimum requirements for restrooms and changing facilities under s. 553.865(4) and (5), F.S.
25. On occasion, situations may arise not specifically covered by College policies or the Code, but which are harmful to the welfare of the College Community or are obstructive to the orderly processes of the College. The Dean of Students or designee, in consultation with the Vice President, Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee will interpret whether the situation is governed by the Code and will authorize appropriate action.
V. Student Conduct Procedure
A. Student conduct complaints are received and managed through the Dean of Students Office in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety. Allegations of misconduct should be submitted using the online Student Conduct Report Form. Any allegations should be made as soon as possible after the alleged violation takes place, but not later than within fourteen (14) business days, unless otherwise provided by College policy
B. The Dean of Students office will provide timely written notice to students (Respondents) of any alleged violation. The notice will, at a minimum, include a description of the allegations to be investigated, citation to the specific alleged violation of the Code, policy, or law, the process to be used in determining whether a violation has occurred and associated rights, and a request to schedule an appointment to meet and discuss the allegations.
C. The Department of Public Safety may initiate the investigative process once a complaint is filed. This may include interviews with Complainant, Respondent and/or witnesses. The gathering of this data will be a part of the evidentiary process.
D. The Respondent has the right to a presumption that no violation occurred. The College has the burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a violation occurred, except if the Respondent accepts responsibility for the charge(s). Preponderance of the evidence means that the information presented supports the finding that it is more likely that not that the violation was committed by the Respondent.
E. In addition, students, student clubs, and student organizations charged with violating the Student Code of Conduct are entitled to the following:
a. The right to an impartial hearing officer and/or Disciplinary Committee member. An impartial hearing officer or committee member is an individual who has not previously been involved in the disciplinary proceedings and who does not have an interest either for or against the Respondent. Hearing officers and/or committee members will be selected by the Vice President, Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee.
b. The right against self-incrimination and the right to remain silent.
c. The right to present relevant information and question witnesses;
d. The right to a College-appointed advisor or advocate who may not serve in any other role in the matter, including as an investigator, decider of fact, hearing officer, member of a committee or panel convened to hear or decide the charge, or any appeal; or
e. The right to an advisor, advocate, or legal representative (at the student’s own expense), who is not affiliated with the College to be present during any proceeding, whether formal or informal. Such person may directly participate in all aspects of the proceeding, including the presentation of relevant information and questioning of witnesses;
f. The right to appeal the final decision of a hearing officer as provided herein. Appeals may not be heard by College officials who directly participated in any other proceeding related to the charged violation;
g. The right to an accurate and complete record of every disciplinary proceeding on or after July 1, 2021, relating to the charged violation of the Code, including record of any appeal, to be made, preserved, and available for copying upon request by the charged student, at their expense; and
h. The right to dismissal of any charge brought more than 1 year from the date of the alleged conduct. Such limitations period may be extended or waived by the College for good cause, such as when the College was not made aware of the alleged conduct until after such limitations period had expired. Good cause determinations shall be made by the Dean of Students in consultation with appropriate College officials.
F. If the alleged conduct warrants disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct, the student, student club, or student organization must be provided with written notice of the charges, which must include at a minimum the following:
a. Description of the allegations to be investigated;
b. Citation to the specific section(s) of the Student Code of Conduct or other policy or law alleged to have been violated;
c. Description of the process to be used in determining whether a violation has occurred and associated rights;
d. Date, time, and location of the applicable disciplinary proceedings, which may not be held until at least 7 business days after delivery date of the Notice of Charges; and;
e. Notice that the student, student club or student organization must be provided with a list of all known witnesses that have provided or will provide the information against the student, club or organization and all known information relating to the alleged conduct (including inculpatory and exculpatory information) at least 5 business days prior to the applicable disciplinary proceeding.
G. The Dean of Students or designee and a representative from the Office of Public Safety will meet with the Respondent for a preliminary review to determine an appropriate course of action. The disciplinary matter may be closed if the alleged conduct does not require disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct. However, if the Dean of Students or designee believes the behavior is more likely than not to have occurred, the Respondent may choose one of the following options:
a. The Respondent may accept responsibility and move through the informal adjudication process.
b. The Respondent may request adjudication through the formal process.
Note: The nature of some violations will automatically require adjudication through the formal process.
H. The Conduct Process (informal or formal) may be chosen by the Respondent unless the alleged violation requires adjudication through the formal process.
a. Informal
i. The Dean of Students or designee may work with the Respondent, and Complainant (if other than the Dean of Students) in creating a resolution through an inclusive, restorative, and educational action plan to facilitate learning from experience.
ii. If a resolution is not reached through this process, it moves to the formal process.
b. Formal
i. The Dean of Students convenes the College Disciplinary Committee for a Conduct Hearing.
I. Conduct Hearing: Once the College Disciplinary Committee is convened, a College official will be designated to preside over the Conduct Hearing. This Hearing Officer will begin by asking whether the Respondent admits or denies responsibility for the charged violation(s).
a. If the Respondent admits responsibility for the charged violation(s), the Hearing Officer and Disciplinary Committee will afford the Complainant and Respondent an opportunity to be heard on the issue of sanctions.
b. If the Respondent denies responsibility of any charge(s), the Committee will afford the Complainant and Respondent an opportunity to be heard on the charged violation(s) and present any relevant information, witness testimony (including written witness statements), and any other documentary evidence supporting the party’s respective positions. The Complainant and Respondent will also be afforded an opportunity to be heard on the issue of sanctions.
c. Upon conclusion of the Conduct Hearing, the Committee will consider all available and relevant information and decide whether the Respondent is responsible for the charged violation(s) based upon a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard of review. If the Committee finds the Respondent responsible on one or more charges, the Committee will also determine the appropriate sanctions, using the SCF Action Plan Framework. The decision of the Committee shall be communicated in writing to the Complainant and Respondent. The decision of the Committee shall constitute the College’s final agency action unless the Complainant or Respondent submit a timely appeal as outlined below.
J. Appeal Process
a. If a Respondent admits responsibility or is found responsible on one or more charges, no later than 7 working days after notification of the decision, the Respondent may submit a written appeal of the decision and/or imposed sanctions to the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee by submitting the Student Conduct Appeal Form:
b. The Complainant, no later than 7 working days after notification of the decision, may submit a written appeal of the decision to the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee by submitting the Student Conduct Appeal Form:
c. Any appeal may only be based upon one or more of the following:
i. improper procedures that materially affected the result;
ii. newly discovered information or evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the Conduct Hearing through the exercise of diligence by the party, and that would have materially altered the result; or
iii. the sanction imposed was inappropriate for the violation(s).
d. The Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee shall consider the merits of an appeal only on the basis of the above listed grounds for appeal. A party’s dissatisfaction with the result is not a valid ground for appeal.
e. Any sanctions imposed will not be stayed during the appellate process, as the original result and sanction are presumed correct.
f. Parties may not present any oral argument on appeal unless specifically requested by the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee, who may affirm the original result, alter the finding(s) of responsibility, or alter the sanctions.
g. Within 14 working days of the party’s submission of the written appeal, the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee shall inform the party in writing of the outcome of the appeal via the applicable College email address, unless extenuating circumstances that resulted in a delay are communicated in writing to the student. The appeal decision of the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management or designee shall constitute the College’s final agency action.
The administration has the obligation to cooperate with all police authorities. When the protection of life and property and the regular, orderly operation of the College require it, the assistance of these agencies will be requested as a matter of policy, The SCF District Board of Trustees reserves the right to forbid the establishment or continued operation of an SCF chapter of any club, society or other organization whose members have damaged property, interrupted the normal holding of classes, interfered with the rights of others, disrupted operation of the College, or violated any component of the Code of Conduct.
SCF reserves the right to remove any student from the College for circumstances and/or behaviors that may seriously affect the health or well-being of the student or others where physical safety is threatened. Examples of such concerns or behaviors that may pose serious and/or imminent health or safety risks include, but are not limited to, anorexia, substance abuse, life-threatening behaviors, repeated psychotic episodes or violation of discrimination or harassment policies.
VI. Student Conduct Outcomes
When a student accepts responsibility or is determined to be responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct, SCF subscribes to an inclusive, restorative, and educational conduct process that engages the student in the creation of an action plan. The components of the action plan will be educationally based and flexible to meet the needs of the various types of violations. Action plans may include any of the following either alone or in combination.
SCF Action Plan Framework
1. Community Engagement:
a. Attend a campus event
b. Join a student club/group
c. Volunteer on campus
2. Interpersonal Development:
a. Educational Programming regarding the issue(s) at hand (drug use, alcohol use, etc.)
b. Treatment
c. Career Center
d. Job Training
3. Form New Habits:
a. Impact Statements
b. Personal Reflection Statement
c. Ted Talk (or other media) review essay
d. Goal Setting
e. Informal Resolution Meeting, Mediation, Restorative Conference
4. Outside Accountability
a. Warning
b. Apology
c. Disciplinary probation
d. Loss of privileges
e. Removal from College Sponsored Housing (athletes)
f. Family Notification
g. Suspension
h. Dismissal
Students are encouraged to resolve complaints at the appropriate level of dispute; however, should this approach fail or be inappropriate, students may submit written complaints through an online complaint form. All pertinent information should be listed including date, time, location, parties involved, witnesses, any attempts to resolve the complaint, and desired resolution. Forms submitted without valid contact information with not be processed; anonymous complaints can be submitted through State College of Florida’s confidential and anonymous reporting tool or in writing to the Dean of Students office at the address below. Once received, the complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate academic area or administrative unit for review.
Online Complaint Form
Written Complaints
Written complaints should be addressed to:
Dean of Students
Building 1, Room 127
State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota
5840 26th St. W.
Bradenton, FL. 34207
No Reprisal Policy
Complaints are respected and honored. No reprisals or retaliation shall be invoked against any student for processing, in good faith, a complaint, either on an informal or formal basis, or for participating in any way in these complaint procedures. Every attempt is made to resolve complaints informally while preserving the right to pursue a formal grievance.
All submissions will be kept confidential/private to the extent possible given the need to investigate the complaint, maintain campus safety and comply with federal, state, or local mandates. Information related to a complaint will be shared with a limited number of SCF employees who “need to know” in order to assist in the assessment, investigation, and resolution of the report. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires each institution to have student grievance and public complaint policies and procedures that are reasonable, fairly administered, and well-publicized. The College is also required to maintain a log, or a record of written student complaints received by the institution. This record is made available to the Commission upon request. This record will be reviewed and evaluated by the Commission as part of the Institution’s decennial evaluation.
Academic Code of Conduct Violation
Students who feel they have been penalized erroneously for an academic ethics misconduct infraction or think that the sanction imposed is inappropriate may, within 10 business days of notification of academic sanction, appeal the matter through Procedure 4.14.01: Student Request for Conflict Resolution as Related to Academic Matters.
For a complete copy of Procedure 4.14.01 and guidance on how to proceed with the resolution, students should contact the respective campus academic dean’s office or student ombudsman.
All Other Code Violations
Students charged with violation of the Code of Conduct who feel they have been penalized erroneously or that the sanction imposed is inappropriate may, within 10 business days of notification of the sanction, appeal the matter through Procedure 4.14.02: Student Request for Conflict Resolution as Related to Administrative Policies.
For a complete copy of Procedure 4.14.02, students should contact the respective campus Office of Student Life or student ombudsman.
Students may request a resource person to assist in either appeal procedure.
Glossary of Terms
Plagiarism – representing the work of others as their own; or submitting written materials without proper attribution or acknowledgment of the source.
Cheating – The unauthorized use of any materials, information, study aids or assistance from another person on any academic assignment or exercise, unless explicitly authorized by the course Instructor
Copyright violations -reuses the work of others outside of the limits of copyright law, or takes the rights over the work held by a copyright owner without permission.
Warning A written or verbal notice to the student that continuation or repetition of a specified conduct will be cause for further disciplinary action.
Apology A statement of regret written by the individual or group and approved by the dean of students.
Disciplinary probation – A written reprimand and warning to the student for a repetition of violations as grounds for more serious disciplinary action; also, may include exclusion from participation in student privileges or extracurricular College activities, or temporary/permanent loss of privilege or use of designated College facilities for a specified time as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation.
Loss of privileges – Student is not permitted to participate in designated privileges or activities for a specified period of time.
Removal from College Sponsored Housing (athletes) A temporary or permanent exclusion from any College-sponsored housing accommodations without reimbursement of any type of housing allowance, or a mandatory room charge.
Family Notification Student notifies family member in the presence of appointed staff member. This contact may be done in person or via telephone.
Suspension Exclusion from classes and other student privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension pending final determination of an alleged violation.
Dismissal Termination of student status for a definite period of time. At the end of this period of expulsion, the student is eligible to apply to the College for consideration for readmission.
State College of Florida, Manatee – Sarasota