Human Resources

Providing Excellence in HR Services
At the State College of Florida, the Office of Human Resources is dedicated to provide excellent service by offering dynamic support and engagement to its most valuable resource, its people while serving as a strategic partner and catalyst for change, committed to the advancement of our institution’s pursuit of educational excellence. Our core values guide our actions and decisions, rooted in the principles of integrity, inclusiveness, informed impartiality, and commitment to the highest professional ethics. We take responsibility for our words and actions, treating every member of our community with respect and dignity. We make thoughtful, well-informed, and unbiased decisions, always mindful of the potential for conflicts of interest. Honoring our commitments and safeguarding confidences are essential aspects of our work.
For questions or inquiries please contact:
The Office of Human Resources is located on the SCF Bradenton Campus, in Building 7. The Human Resources staff also maintain regular office hours at SCF Venice. Days and times change. We suggest you make an appointment with the appropriate person whenever possible so we can serve you more promptly.
Employment Verification
Faculty and Staff Employment Verification
- Employment verification requests are accepted via fax with a signed authorization release.
- Please fax to (941)727-6177 attention HR. Responses are typically within two to three business days.
Student Employment Verification
- Employment verification requests are accepted via fax with a signed authorization release.
- For student employment verification requests, please fax to (941)727-6179.