Associate in Science Music Production

This program prepares students for work in the field of music production, live sound reinforcement, digital music, virtual media, and other related fields.

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Scholarship Auditions

Over $55,000 in additional scholarship money for music and theatre students available through the SCF Foundation each year. Go to to Apply. Please see the events calendar for audition events or call the Music Program office for more information.

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Everyone’s Music Opportunity

The center for music education and cultural highlight of your community.

  • The only music transfer program in the Manatee and Sarasota region
  • A complete 2-year program for music majors, preparing them to pursue a degree at a 4-year university. 
  • Opportunities for all SCF students to engage in music activities for college credit.
  • Scholarships available for music and non-music majors.
  • A central location for the community to perform in ensembles or learn an instrument with college-level professors.
  • Many community music and enrichment events such as concerts, recitals, and masterclasses.

Each year, the State College of Florida Music Program and the SCF Foundation award over $200,000 in scholarships to students who participate in our music program.

The SCF Foundation works with many donors and organizations to to provide scholarships for music students. 

Ensemble scholarships

Ensemble scholarships provide opportunities to both music majors and non-majors alike. Not only does this provide well-rounded opportunities for students in any discipline, but also allows the department to remain a large music and education force in the region.

Koenig Scholarships

Koenig Scholarships help cover the costs of applied lessons for music majors. Because music majors have higher costs for some classes, these scholarships assist students in covering those costs. Additionally, the requirements to maintain these scholarships provide an incentive for students to pursue higher standards in their music education. All music majors receive this scholarship automatically.

SCF Foundation Scholarships

The SCF Foundation works with many donors and organizations to to provide scholarships for music students.

  • The Cascades Community Scholarship
  • Lucille H. Laughrey Scholarship
  • Maz Corzillius Endowed Music Scholarship
  • Guitar Sarasota Scholarship
  • Codelia Beattie Scholarship
  • Gulf Coast Banjo Society Scholarships
  • Steinway Scholarship
  • Presidential String Quartet Scholarship
  • Presidential Jazz Combo Scholarship

Applied Music Instruction

Applied lessons are one-on-one instruction with the SCF music faculty. An applied lesson is a two-credit hour academic credit with a lab fee. During the fall and spring terms, you receive 14 applied lessons for 53 minutes. During the summer semester, you receive 12 applied lessons for 60 minutes.

All students planning to major in music should take applied lessons on their major instrument every fall and spring semester. Non-music majors may also choose to take applied lessons for credit.

Students taking lessons in Applied I and Applied II levels are required to present a jury examination for the music faculty during final exam week. A Jury examination is also required when students who are enrolled at the Preparatory level apply to qualify for Applied I. 

Applied lessons also can be taken for non-credit through SCF Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development.

Music Ensembles

All ensembles are performing ensembles and are a 0-3 credit hour course. Please contact the SCF Music Program office for additional information.


Concert Choir (MUN 1310) meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12 to 12:53pm. Concert Choir is a large choral ensemble of approximately 60 voices designed to provide a high quality choral experience for all students at SCF. Membership is open to all students and no audition is required. The concert choir is under the direction of Melodie Dickerson and performs a variety of music from classical choral masterpieces to innovative contemporary works. Two on-campus concerts are presented each semester.

0-3 credit hour class

Requires additional performance time.

Chamber Choir (MUN 1340) meets Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 p.m.- 1:50 p.m. Audition required. Chamber Choir is a selective auditioned mixed vocal ensemble which performs a broad range of choral literature at the highest performance level on campus and in the community. Two on-campus concerts are presented each semester. Requires additional performance time.

0-3 credit hour class

If you are interested in singing in a choral/vocal ensemble, please contact Melodie Dickerson, Director of Choral/Vocal Studies, at 941-752-5580 or

Students enrolled in choral ensembles are encouraged to register in Applied Voice lessons (MVV) with one of our distinguished music faculty. Please contact Ms. Dickerson for a placement audition at

View Performances

Bradenton Symphony Orchestra (MUN 1210) Combination of college and community member orchestra meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:30 p.m.

0-3 credit hour class; required additional performance time

It is open to all string, woodwind, brass, and percussion players with high school band or orchestra experience.

Music students enrolled in Bradenton Symphony Orchestra are encouraged to register in Applied lessons with our distinguished music faculty.

Scholarships are available to all SCF students; you do not need to be a music major to be awarded a music ensemble scholarship.

For more information: Dr. Geoff Neuman,

Symphonic Band (MUN1120) meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 3:20 p.m.

0-3 credit hours

Requires additional performance time.

It is open to all woodwind, brass, and percussion players with high school band experience.

Seating auditions will be held the first week of class. Contact Dr. Geoff Neuman, if you are interested in Symphonic Band at

Music students enrolled in Symphonic Band are encouraged to register in Applied lessons with our distinguished music faculty.

Scholarships are available to all SCF students. You do not need to be a music major to be awarded a music ensemble scholarship.


Guitar Ensemble (MUN 1480) meets on Monday and Wednesday from 12:30-1:50 p.m. at SCF Bradenton.

0-3 credit hours

Requires additional performance time.

The Guitar Ensemble consists of strong beginner/intermediate to advanced guitarists accepted by audition. Contact Rex Willis, director of guitar ensemble, at 941-752-5591 or email for an audition.

The Guitar Ensemble consists of approximately 12 to 15 classical/acoustic guitarists that range in ability from intermediate to advanced, coming from many diverse musical backgrounds.

The group plays a wide range of musical styles that include the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and many modern styles such as bossa nova, pop, rock, and avante garde. Led by SCF Music Instructor, Rex Willis, an internationally recognized composer, the ensemble has performed premieres of Willis’ original works, dedicated to the group, with most of these pieces receiving publication. In addition to playing in local concerts, the ensemble has performed out of town including the Guitar Sarasota Concert Series and in Ybor City/Tampa for the FSMTA Collegiate Convocation. The SCF Guitar Ensemble takes pride in both authentic period performance and in “pushing the envelope” with the unexpected.

Music students enrolled in Guitar Ensemble are encouraged to register in Applied Guitar lessons (MVS) with our distinguished music faculty.

Scholarships are available to all SCF students; you do not need to be a music major to be awarded a music ensemble scholarship.

Jazz Ensemble (MUN 1710) meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10-10:53 a.m. This ensemble performs big band jazz and popular music from a variety of style periods. Audition required.

0-3 credit course; requires additional performance time.

Jazz Combo (MUN 1711) meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10:53 a.m. This is a small ensemble with emphasis on instruction in improvisation, jazz theory, and harmony. Audition required.

0-3 credit course; requires additional performance time.

Contact Dr. Pete Carney, Jazz Studies Director, at 941-752-5590 or for an audition.

Music students enrolled in Jazz Ensemble or Jazz Combo are encouraged to register in Applied Lessons with our distinguished music faculty.

Scholarships are available to all SCF students; you do not need to be a music major to be awarded a music ensemble scholarship.

Music Theatre Ensemble (MUN1640) meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 to 11:53am; and Fall term Monday 6:30-9:30pm.

The SCF Music Theatre Ensemble is dedicated to the performance of quality musical productions using student performers. A fully staged production is presented each fall semester and is cast through open auditions. Instrumental students are also featured as members of the pit orchestra.  Recent performances include “West Side Story,” “The Music Man,” “The Children of Eden,” “Bye Bye Birdie,” “Into The Woods,” “The Boy Friend,” “Amahl and The Night Visitors,” “Gondoliers,” “Jesus Christ Superstar” and original work, “In Ybor City.”

A Songs and Scenes format comprises the spring semester production with ample opportunities for students to direct and choreograph musical numbers. Any student interested in musical theater is encouraged to become a part of the cast and production team.

1 credit hour

Requires additional performance time.

Contact Melodie Dickerson for an audition at 941-752-5580 or

For information and audition packet contact: April Dittmann, Music Program office, at 941-752-5351 or

Scholarships are available to SCF students; you do not need to be a music major to be awarded a music ensemble scholarship.

SCF keyboard studies are open to all SCF degree-seeking students. Instruction is offered both through one-on-one lessons (Applied Piano/Organ) and through classroom instruction (Class Piano). Applied Piano and Applied Organ are offered at both SCF Bradenton and SCF Venice; Class Piano is offered at SCF Bradenton.

Class Piano I (MVK 1111A) is group class instruction offered to beginning piano students pursuing music degrees. Emphasis is placed on music reading and basic keyboard skills. Class Piano II (MVK 1111B), III (MVK 2121A), and IV (MVK 2121B) are part of the four-semester sequence recommended for all music pre-majors with primary instruments other than piano or organ.

Applied piano and applied organ lessons are open to all SCF degree-seeking students at all levels of instruction from beginning to advanced. An applied lesson consists of weekly one-on-one instruction with one of our highly qualified teachers. To see the list of distinguished piano faculty, visit our Music Faculty webpage.

Piano majors and principals are required to attend the piano repertory class, scheduled throughout the semester. The main purpose of the class is to provide a positive, encouraging environment for the development of performance skills. The piano repertory class is not for credit.

SCF students who are pursuing a degree other than music may take Applied Piano and Organ as an elective for personal enrichment. Non-degree seeking students may take non-credit instruction as SCF through the Lifelong Learning Center.  More information for registration can be found on the Lifelong Learning section of this website or by calling 941-752-5290 .

The SCF Music Program offers a state-of-the-art music technology lab equipped with 11 Clavinova keyboards, 19 Mac computers, Sibelius, Finale, and Piano Marvel software programs. The SCF Music Program offers practice rooms equipped with pianos.

The SCF Keyboard Program often features guest artists as recitalists and master class teachers. Check the SCF Upcoming Events for this year’s offerings.

Scholarships are available to all full-time SCF students; you do not need to be a music major to be awarded a keyboard scholarship. Contact Don Bryn, Coordinator of Keyboard Studies, to schedule an audition at

SCF Music Events

The SCF Music program presents many concerts each year, enriching the community at affordable ticket prices. If you would like to know about upcoming events, subscribe to our email list, download the SCF Music app, or visit the events calendar.

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