SCF Board of Trustees Report: October 31, 2023

Bradenton, Fla. Oct. 31, 2023

(Bradenton, Fla., October 31, 2023) — State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (SCF) District Board of Trustees (BOT) held its regular monthly meeting virtually and in-person with essential staff and trustees on October 31.

The board heard presentations on:

  • Spring enrollment report from Dr. Ryan Hale, vice president of institutional effectiveness and Dr. Brittany Nielsen, vice president of student services and enrollment management.

The board approved:

  • Nonfinancial and financial consent agenda items.
  • Prequalification of a list of contractors for SCF general construction projects costing $50,000 to
    $1 million.
  • Two 2024 fiscal year capital projects totaling $608,000 for the creation of privacy rooms for student guidance and remediation at SCFCS Bradenton and the replacement of 20-year-old flooring at SCF Bradenton, Building 14.
  • Exhibit V: Rule Revisions.
  • SCF President Probstfeld 2022-23 Completed Goals.

The next board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on December 12, 2023, at SCF Bradenton.